Osborne Clarke has advised fitvia on the sale of 70% of its shares to the pharmaceutical company Dermapharm. The remaining shares are held by founder Sebastian Merkhoffer. The parties have agreed not to disclose the transaction volume.

Fitvia sells foods and nutritional supplements in the Healthy Living segment - from tea and cereals to a broad product portfolio in the categories weight control, wellness and beauty. A concept that is well received by customers: In 2019 fitvia is expected to generate sales of around EUR 20 million. In addition to the fitvia brand, the company also offers cosmetic products under the brand bellavia. Every year, half a million customers in Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Austria and Switzerland purchase its fitvia products exclusively through the company’s own online shop. Lesara founder Roman Kirsch and business angel Pascal Zuta invested in fitvia at an early stage. The company grew completely without venture capital.

Dermapharm manufactures patent-free trademark pharmaceuticals and generated a turnover of half a billion euros last year.

Together with Dermapharm, fitvia now wants to expand its product range and bring new products to market faster. It plans to expand into Poland next.

An Osborne Clarke team led by corporate and venture capital Partner Nicolas Gabrysch advised fitvia on the transaction. The team included Benjamin Monheim (corporate/VC), Nils Wiehmann, Sonja Riedemann (both employment law) and Sebastian Hack (antitrust law).

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