Organised by #FindTheOrange, the non-profit association founded by the international law firm Osborne Clarke in Italy, under the direction of international AI Artist and scientist Mauro Martino, the #FindTheOrange AI [Photo] Contest is a challenge involving images processed with Artificial Intelligence that aims to promote the use of this new technology and knowledge of its potential and risks.

Entry is free of charge and open to anyone over the age of 18. The contest seeks to involve people of different ages, cultures, professions, interests and degrees of knowledge in the world of visual arts and technology.

The theme of this first edition, "Realis, Irrealis, Liminalis. Imagining new un/realities through AI", is an invitation to imagine and represent the boundary between the real and the unreal - the liminal: a word that derives from Latin meaning threshold - using Artificial Intelligence as a tool for investigation.

The jury unites leading names from the contemporary art and digital scene: Silvia De Felice, project manager of art programs at Rai Cultura, Francesco D'Isa, philosopher and digital artist, and Giacomo Nicolella Maschietti, journalist specialising in the art market.

Mauro Martino, AI Artist and Director of the Visual Artificial Intelligence Lab at the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab: "The last frontier of LLM models is to learn from synthetic information. We are heading into uncharted territory, where the gap between human productions and those of LLM models is widening, allowing the latter to avoid the biases accumulated over centuries of literary and artistic culture. We are teaching AI models about our world without directly exposing them to our data. Perhaps this is the way to converse and evolve together into something truly extraordinary and beyond the human".

Riccardo Roversi, President of #FindTheOrange and Managing Partner of Osborne Clarke in Italy: "We are an innovation-oriented international law firm whose strategy places us at the heart of technological transformations. This allows us to support our clients in their transition processes and, at the same time, commits us to taking an active part in facilitating the change processes of the wider community to which we belong".

Gianluigi Marino, Head of Digitalisation, Osborne Clarke in Italy: "This contest is an incredibly interesting opportunity to combine art, law, technology, play, fantasy and competition and pause to reflect on what is true, what is false, what is fake, what is right. It's an invitation to have fun and at the same time reason rationally about the consequences of using technology that looks like - but is not - magic".

The jury will designate three ex-aequo winners who will each be awarded gift cards to the value of €1000.

At the conclusion of the contest, Osborne Clarke will hold a round table discussion. This will be the moment to officially announce the names of the winners and to animate a debate, in the presence of some of the most authoritative names in the field, focussing on the legal implications of the use of Artificial Intelligence.

Entries can be submitted within Sunday 8 September 2024.
Info and contest rules:

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