Nikolas Klausmann advises national and international clients on all aspects of energy, regulatory, european and constitutional law, in particular regarding renewable energies, battery storage, digital business models and innovative energy supply schemes.

He joined Osborne Clarke in 2023 and now heads the working group on the digitalisation of the energy industry.

After studying in Würzburg and Seoul, he was a research associate at the Institute of Energy and Competition Law at Humboldt University in Berlin, the European University Institute in Florence, the Stiftung Umweltenergierecht and a major international law firm. He then worked as a legal clerk in Berlin and Rome for a leading commercial law firm in the field of energy and for the energy and digital policy departments of the German Federal Chancellery.

Flexa GmbH

Osborne Clarke has advised Flexa GmbH on the establishment of a virtual power plant regarding contractual and corporate law, regulatory issues and data protection and copyright in connection with algorithms and AI models. Read more.