Dr Theodor Lammich advises and represents companies in all civil law matters, primarily in the context of insolvency and restructuring.

In addition to advising creditors, shareholders, investors and managers, he specialises in the judicial and extrajudicial enforcement of commercial interests. His experience includes work for leading national, international and multinational medium-sized companies and groups.

He studied law in Freiburg (Ref. jur., Dr jur.), Edinburgh (LL.M.) and administrative sciences in Speyer (supplementary studies). He completed his legal traineeship at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

Before joining Osborne Clarke, he worked in the litigation department of an American law firm and in the corporate team of a major German law firm.

As a lecturer at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University, he has been teaching commercial and corporate law, contract law and digitalisation law since 2019. He is also co-editor of the Edinburgh Student Law Review. His sympathy for the scholarly examination of complex legal problems manifests itself in numerous specialist publications, most recently on the preclusion of the right to challenge shareholder resolutions in case of an arbitration clause.

Helping you succeed in tomorrow's world

The business world is a complex web of different disciplines. Issues in the context of insolvency and restructuring can very quickly touch on an enormous range of legal areas and bring completely unknown problems to light. My strong academic and generalist background motivates me to continue where case law and literature no longer provide answers.