UK Knowledge Collection | Natural capital, opposed lease renewals, and minimising risk in supply chains
Published on 19th April 2024
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As businesses focus on compliance with environmental standards, industry's impact on ecology is receiving more regulatory scrutiny. Our Insight on natural capital looks at its role in investment decisions, its growing importance in assessing environmental risk to operations, and the likely direction of travel for regulation in this area.
A recent County Court case in the heavily-litigated area of opposed lease renewals will be of significant interest to both landlords and tenants. The question remains how widely applicable the workaround demonstrated in the case will be for tenants to defeat a landlord's opposition to renewal on redevelopment grounds. And our property disputes webinar series continues with a look at a couple of problematic areas for developers: boundary issues and restrictive covenants.
Our supply chain webinar series continues with a look at how to identify, manage and respond to cyber risk and how to mitigate risk of distress in the supply chain and maintain continuity. And our webinar on the UK's consumer connectable product security regime will look at what the new requirements are, and what businesses in the supply chain for products in scope need to do to be compliant.
Recent Insights
European Parliament formally adopts Product Liability Directive
The European Parliament has formally adopted the new Product Liability Directive, which aims to provide easier access to compensation for consumers who suffer damage from defective products.
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UK government makes announcement on tackling non-compliance in the 'umbrella' companies market
The government has announced it will publish its response to the umbrella consultation "in due course". Umbrella companies, staffing suppliers, end users and contractors will have to wait to find out what (if anything) it will do to regulate the umbrella market.
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UK Litigation Brief | April 2024
This edition looks the courts' recent approach to serving out of the jurisdiction and remote hearings, and a Court of Appeal ruling on the incorporation of standard terms for goods and services into contracts made online, and more.
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English County Court rules against landlord opposing statutory renewal lease on 'ground f'
A recent case has decided an important new point of law regarding the extent of "the holding" for the purposes of opposed renewals. It also provided clarification on the quality of expert evidence needed to support a landlord's opposition under "ground f" (the redevelopment opposition ground).
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What is natural capital and what does it mean for investors and lenders in the UK and Europe?
While some natural capital-related regulatory requirements may currently only be voluntary, or not yet catch financial institutions, there may be merit in complying early.
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Upcoming Events
Development considerations: navigating your way through boundary issues, encroachments and restrictive covenants
23 April | 09:15-10:00
Covering two areas – boundaries and restrictive covenants – where developers often face issues, with practical tips on how to deal with them.
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Communications Annual Review
23 April | 14:00-19:30 | One London Wall
Industry special guests, including from Ofcom and Cavell, will join our telecoms team to explore business, legal and regulatory issues for the sector. Topics include the impact of AI-powered technologies, the Telecommunications Security Act, the functioning of the Electronic Communications Code and the altnet market.
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Eating Compliance for Breakfast | Connected devices and new security obligations
25 April | 09:00-09:30
The Product Security and Telecommunication Infrastructure Act introduces new security requirements for connected products which come into force on 29 April. What should businesses do to ensure compliance?
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Supply chains and logistics | How to achieve the right balance of cyber risk and delivery reward
30 April | 10:00-10:30
How can businesses enhance cybersecurity and reduce legal and operational disruptions that detract from driving business growth and innovation?
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Supply chains and logistics | Engage with distressed supply chains to maintain continuity and mitigate risk
2 May | 10:00-10:30
A discussion of how organisations can mitigate risk in an increasingly complex business environment. The session will include how to spot signs of distress and deal with distressed suppliers, contingency planning, and distressed M&A.
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