Trying to keep track of the MiCAR legislative developments?
Published on 9th November 2023
Our experts have created a tracker on the level 2 and 3 measures under MiCAR.

Now that MiCAR is here, the underlying technical standards (level 2) and guidance documents (level 3) are rapidly being published. As of today, 29 different technical standards and 5 guidelines are published for consultation and there is more on the horizon.
Level two measures further specify certain aspects of MiCAR and take the form of a regulatory technical standard (RTS) or an implementing technical standard (ITS).
Level three measures are guidelines by the European authorities, intended to achieve consistent interpretation in Member States.
Osborne Clarke's tracker follows the status of the level 2 and 3 measures under MiCAR. It shows what's already available and what's still in the pipeline and will be updated after each important development. In a recent publication, ESMA called on entities that currently provide crypto-asset services to anticipate for MiCAR's entry into application by aligning their practices with MiCAR. Our tracker can help you in monitoring the MiCAR level 2 and 3 measures and in identifying which requirements are relevant to you.
View the latest version of the tracker here.
If you have any questions in relation to MiCAR, please get in touch with the experts below.