Transparency Act: a guide to employers' new disclosure obligations
Published on 3rd August 2022
The entry into force of the Transparency Act imposes new obligations on employers who will have to communicate to the employee "the essential elements and conditions of the employment relationship, as well as the relevant protections". This communication will have to be transparent, clear, complete and in accordance with accessibility standards and free of charge. Therefore, the generic reference to collective bargaining agreements to date included in employment contracts will no longer be sufficient. Beware of rules on automated decision-making or monitoring systems!
The information will have to be provided for all new hirings as from 13 August, at the time of hiring. For employment relationships already existing as at 1 August 2022, the information must be provided within 60 days of the employee's request.

We have prepared a short guide to the new disclosure obligations. Access it directly: here.
If you would like to discuss any of these issues further, please do not hesitate to contact the authors or your usual Osborne Clarke contact.