Commercial landlords' enforcement restrictions extended yet again
The government is to extend the restrictions on landlords' ability to take enforcement action against commercial tenants who are in...
The coronavirus (COVID-19) poses considerable risks and challenges for all sectors, across all regions.
With many premises not currently being utilised, what does this mean for your business, whether you are a landlord or a tenant?
On this page you will find our latest insights on the real estate issues relating to coronavirus and the actions that businesses should be taking now to prepare.
If you would like to discuss how we can help you identify and mitigate the risks to your business, please contact us.
The government is to extend the restrictions on landlords' ability to take enforcement action against commercial tenants who are in...
Will the government's guidance on "responsible contractual behaviour" or good faith come to the rescue of parties in the sector...
As England enters lockdown 2.0, is the construction industry better prepared this time to continue to "build, build, build"?
Although the direction to work from home does not apply to site workers, the latest changes will put a focus...
On 19 June 2020, the government announced its intention to extend restrictions on forfeiture, Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery and the...
Although governments are beginning tentatively to ease lockdown restrictions, for many, it will take some time before trading returns to...
As the UK government begins to lift restrictions, for many there will be a shift in the operational, financial and...
As the residential property market emerges from lockdown and resumes activity in England, businesses will need to tread carefully to...
Welcome to Osborne Clarke's Coronavirus Legal Briefing, our newsletter on business law issues in these sombre times.
Local planning authorities have been urged to be flexible in light of the current crisis, but with many issues outside...
With 25 March 2020 being a rent quarter day, government intervention to prevent evictions will be welcomed by commercial tenants...
The lockdown measures adopted by the Belgian Government in its ministerial decree of 18 March 2020 involve a complete closure...
The anticipated spread of coronavirus across educational institutions, cancellation of exams and temporary closures of universities is set to cause...
The effect of coronavirus has hit the real estate market, lowering stock market values, postponing MIPIM and causing concern across...
The government is to extend the restrictions on landlords' ability to take enforcement action against commercial tenants who are in...
Will the government's guidance on "responsible contractual behaviour" or good faith come to the rescue of parties in the sector...
As England enters lockdown 2.0, is the construction industry better prepared this time to continue to "build, build, build"?
Although the direction to work from home does not apply to site workers, the latest changes will put a focus...
On 19 June 2020, the government announced its intention to extend restrictions on forfeiture, Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery and the...
Although governments are beginning tentatively to ease lockdown restrictions, for many, it will take some time before trading returns to...
As the UK government begins to lift restrictions, for many there will be a shift in the operational, financial and...
As the residential property market emerges from lockdown and resumes activity in England, businesses will need to tread carefully to...
Welcome to Osborne Clarke's Coronavirus Legal Briefing, our newsletter on business law issues in these sombre times.
Local planning authorities have been urged to be flexible in light of the current crisis, but with many issues outside...
With 25 March 2020 being a rent quarter day, government intervention to prevent evictions will be welcomed by commercial tenants...
The lockdown measures adopted by the Belgian Government in its ministerial decree of 18 March 2020 involve a complete closure...
The anticipated spread of coronavirus across educational institutions, cancellation of exams and temporary closures of universities is set to cause...
The effect of coronavirus has hit the real estate market, lowering stock market values, postponing MIPIM and causing concern across...