The SLR/Osborne Clarke/No.5 Chambers event – What might the future hold for planning policy?

Published on 22nd Jun 2015

Here are some quotes from the speakers of our event hosted at Temple Quay, Bristol.

The speakers included:

  • Neil Bromwich, Partner, Osborne Clarke
  • Julian Cooper, Director of Landscape, SLR Consulting
  • Martin Kingston QC, No. 5 Chambers.

The event was skilfully chaired by RTPI President, Janet Askew.

On NSIPs and large scale housing development: (Martin Kingston QC)

“Local plans becoming a hindrance. NSIP regimes could be the answer for delivery”.

“NSIP criteria will change allowing localism to operate alongside housing delivery”. 

On protected landscapes: (Julian Cooper)

“Development in protected landscapes is viable with care”.

“Understanding landscape character is more important than planning policy per se”.

On CIL and section 106 agreements: (Neil Bromwich)

“Affordable housing is being dismantled by government reform”.

Comments from attendees:

“A very helpful and topical session providing an interesting insight into what the key challenges are likely to be for planners and property professionals under the newly elected government. The combination of speakers and presence of delegates of varied backgrounds made for a stimulating debate following each presentation.” (Veronica Barbaro – GVA)

“An insightful seminar that commenced with a helpful overview from Neil Bromwich on the key challenges facing us and ended with Martin Kingston QC’s reflections on where we are heading in the new administration – capped off by some well-placed jokes on planning lawyers.” (Andy Cockett – Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners)

We hope you all enjoyed the session and please look out for similar events in the future.

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* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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