The EU Digital Single Market: copyright, portability of online content, digital contracts and online sales
Published on 17th December 2015
The European Commission has published various proposals on copyright reform and the cross-border portability of online content, on the supply of digital content and on the online sale of goods. These proposals form part of the Commission’s Digital Single Market initiative.
Portability of online content
We discuss the proposals on copyright reform and the proposed new regulation on the cross-border portability of online content here.
We look at how the Commission balances competition and copyright law to address geo-blocking and achieve portability here.
Supply of digital content and the online sale of goods
We discuss the proposed Directive on the supply of digital content here and the proposed Directive on the online sale of goods here.
Digital Single Market strategy
The Commission’s DSM strategy is built around three “pillars”:
- Better access for consumers and businesses to online goods and services across Europe;
- Creating the right conditions for digital networks and services to flourish; and
- Maximising the growth potential of the European digital economy.
We have a hub dedicated to the Digital Single Market here.
Cyber security: the NIS Directive
Representatives from the European Parliament and Council have reached agreement on the long-awaited Network and Information Security Directive. The Directive is aimed at operators of critical infrastructure in sectors such as energy, banking, transport and health. Despite strong opposition from the digital sector, some digital services (search engines, online marketplaces and cloud providers) are presently within the Directive. We discuss the proposed Directive here.