Telecoms Takeaway Podcast Series
Published on 9th May 2023
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A series of podcasts looking at topical developments and legal issues in the Communications space as next generation connectivity evolves.
Episode 1: The key takeaways from the UK government's new Wireless Infrastructure Strategy
In our first monthly Telecoms Takeaway podcast, Eleanor Williams and Hannah Drew discuss the principal themes and takeaways from the UK government's new and wide-ranging Wireless Infrastructure Strategy published on 11th April – how will strategy change to realise the benefits of next generation digital infrastructure?
Episode 2: Telecoms takeaway | How the UK Telecoms Security Act will impact suppliers to the telecoms sector
In our second monthly Telecoms Takeaway Podcast, TK Spiff and Hannah Drew take a look at how the new UK telecoms security regime will impact the telecoms sector, and what suppliers to communications providers will need to be considering, particularly in relation to the contracts they have in place for the services they provide.
Episode 3: Telecoms takeaway | Green contracting in the international telecoms sector
In our third monthly Telecoms Takeaway Podcast, Eleanor Williams, Matthew Germain, Vic Gwynedd-Jones, Roger Segarra and Joanna Peltzman discuss how "green-contracting" can help telecoms businesses achieve their net-zero goals. The discussion draws on perspectives from the UK, France and Spain and looks at how regulation and market practice are developing in this key area, as well as at enforcement considerations and projections for the future.
Episode 4: Telecoms Takeaway | Impact of the Consumer Credit Act on the Communication sector
In our fourth monthly Telecoms Takeaway Podcast, Jon Fell and Ben Player discuss the impact of the Consumer Credit Act on the Communications sector.
Episode 5: Telecoms takeaway | The evolution from Telco to Techco
In our fifth Telecoms Takeaway, Eleanor Williams is joined by Suzanne Gilbert, Principal Lawyer, in BT's Networks and Research legal team, to discuss the growing trend of telecoms businesses transforming into technology businesses. We discuss how the evolution is driven by new technology becoming available, changing customer behaviour and demand for more flexible and agile customer solutions whilst needing to differentiate in the market and build sustainable business growth. Suzanne also touches on how this business change is impacting on the legal team and their use of AI to support the business.
Episode 6: Telecoms takeaway | What is the Product Security Telecommunications Infrastructure Act?
In our sixth Telecoms Takeaway podcast, Tom Bumstead and Chris Dent kick-off our four part mini-series focussing on the Product Security Telecommunications Infrastructure Act. The Act was introduced in the UK in December 2022 but is incrementally coming into force with additional regulations being passed in 2023 and more to come in 2024. In this episode, we discuss why the Act was introduced and potential missed opportunities in the legislation so far.
Episode 7: Telecoms Takeaway | Product Security Telecommunications Infrastructure Act
Wired for Change? Unpacking the changes to date
In our seventh Telecoms Takeaway podcast, Tom Bumstead and Chris Dent continue our four part mini-series with the second instalment which focuses on the changes which the Product Security Telecommunications Infrastructure Act has introduced to the Electronic Communications Code. In this episode, we take a deeper dive into these changes, looking at how these might operate in practice and the potential impact this may have on Code operators and landowners alike.
Episode 8: Telecoms Takeaway | Product Security Telecommunications Infrastructure Act | Part III
Tom Bumstead talks to Chris Dent about the latest regime for unresponsive occupiers under the new Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act.
Its hard to see it making a significant difference given how easy it is for landowners to negate the process. Of course the objective is to drive engagement and speed up the process for the granting of Code rights but that is not going to be achieved if a landowner can simply acknowledge the notices and then do nothing further. It is difficult to see how this advances the policy objectives behind the PSTIA.
Episode 9: Telecoms Takeaway- Regulation of Over the Top Services in the UK and EU
In this episode Matt Suter and Felix Hänel discuss over the top services and the European Electronic Communications Code.
Episode 10: Telecoms Takeaway – Product Security Telecommunications Infrastructure – Changes still needed part 1
In our tenth Telecoms Takeaway podcast, Tom Bumstead and Chris Dent continue their mini-series navigating the provisions of the Product Security Telecommunications Infrastructure Act, with the final episode broken into 2 parts. Part 1 of episode 4 looks at the current state of affairs for mobile phone coverage and broadband services in the UK in relation to the government's aims. Chris explores where changes might still be needed to tackle these remaining issues.
Episode 11: Telecoms Takeaway – Product Security Telecommunications Infrastructure – Changes still needed part 2
In our eleventh Telecoms Takeaway podcast, Tom Bumstead and Chris Dent conclude their mini-series with part 2 of episode 4 looking at the future landscape of the Electronic Communications Code following the Product Security Telecommunications Infrastructure Act. They will discuss potential improvements that could be made that could benefit landowners and operators.