Advertising and marketing | Regulatory Outlook July 2022
Published on 28th Jul 2022
ASA on debt management ads | Eye spy enhanced disclosures for children | Kellogg's challenge to HFSS rules fails

ASA publishes enforcement notice about debt management ads
From 25 July, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) will take targeted enforcement action against advertisers where ads do not clearly state the risks and fees involved, and against lead generators that omit to clearly state that they are a lead generator and will pass on customer information to third parties. In addition, ads must not imply government association or approval, exaggerate the efficiency or simplicity of the process, or otherwise mislead customers in the absence of robust documentary evidence. This follows the ASA's recent Enforcement Notice, which goes into further detail and is essential reading for advertisers in the market.
Eye spy enhanced disclosures for children
The ASA has released summary guidance on the enhanced disclosure requirements for children under the age of 12. The ASA recognises that the overarching requirement for ensuring ads are obviously recognisable as such (in section 2 of the UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising and Direct & Promotional Marketing (CAP Code)) can be difficult for younger children. Therefore, summary guidance has been published, which reinforces the detailed guidance from April 2017 on “Recognition of advertising: online marketing to children under 12”. See our latest Marketinglaw update for more on this and other key updates.
Kellogg's challenge to HFSS rules fails
Please see Food Law.