Regulatory Outlook

Telecoms | UK Regulatory Outlook March 2023

Published on 28th March 2023

Ofcom consults improving broadband information for customers  - key dates for diary

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Ofcom consults improving broadband information for customers

Ofcom is proposing new guidance through consultation to ensure that broadband providers give clear information to customers on the technology used in their broadband connections.

Ofcom research found that less than half of customers who reported being on a full-fibre broadband service lived in areas where it was actually available. Just over a quarter of customers lacked confidence in understanding the terms used by broadband providers. The research also suggested that the majority of customers would find it useful to be provided with a description of the underlying technology used to deliver their services.

The consultation sets out the regulator's proposals to help customers make more informed choices when it comes to broadband products and services. Broadband providers can only use the terms "fibre" and "full-fibre" on their websites and in contracts if their network uses fibre-optic cables all the way from the exchange to the home. Customers will be given a concise and clear description of the type of broadband network technology they are signing up to.

The consultation is due to close on 3 May 2023 and Ofcom aims to publish its findings later this year.

Key dates for diary




March 2023

Ofcom Plan of Work

Ofcom plans to publish its finalised "Plan of Work" for 2023/24 setting out the areas of focus for the next financial year.

Spring 2023

Ofcom consultation into digital content gateways and online communications services to be published


3 April 2023

General Conditions updates

Updates to General Conditions – changes to B3, C1, C7 and Definitions to implement the European Electronic Communications Code and introduce a new process for switching landline and broadband services with effect from 3 April 2023

Autumn 2023

Ofcom responses to cloud services market and net neutrality reviews to be published


31 March 2024

Telecoms Security Rules

"Tier 1" telecoms providers will now be expected to implement the most straightforward and least resource intensive measures (for example, maintaining accurate records of all externally-facing systems) by 31 March 2024.


* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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