Telecoms | UK Regulatory Outlook July 2024
Published on 25th July 2024
Telecoms Security Act preparation | Changes to mid-contract price rises | Ofcom proposes measures on global titles

Summer call to actionTelecoms Security Act preparation: The first implementation date for Tier 2 Providers (those with relevant revenue of £50million or more) is fast approaching (31 March 2025). Providers should:
Suppliers of telecoms providers caught by the Act should:
Changes to mid-contract price rises
On 19 July, Ofcom published a statement detailing the outcome of its consultation on mid-contract price rises. In it, Ofcom confirms that, starting from 17 January 2025, where a customer is a consumer or small business (with some exceptions) any price rise written into their contract will need to be set out in pounds and pence, prominently and transparently at the point of sale.
The new rules are a departure from the current position which enables communications providers to increase their charges based on the retail prices index (RPI)/consumer prices index (CPI) and fixed percentages. This resulted in many communications providers applying annual increases of CPI plus 3.9%, with customers being subject to price rises that Ofcom deemed unacceptable.
If communications providers do not give customers the correct information and still apply a price increase then those customers will have a right to end their contracts without payment of any early termination fees. Consequently, it is important that communications providers start to think about how their contracts will need to be updated well in advance of the January deadline.
Ofcom proposes measures on global titles
This month Ofcom launched a consultation on the implementation of a number of new measures aimed at tackling the misuse of Global Titles. Global Titles "enable access to the global mobile signalling network and in the wrong hands they can be misused to try and intercept messages and calls, disrupt the operation of networks and track the location of users of other networks".
The measures include:
- banning leasing of Global Titles to third parties by operators that hold UK mobile numbers;
- banning the creation of Global Titles from sub-allocated numbers by third parties;
- strengthening rules to prohibit the misuse of Global Titles by operators that hold UK mobile numbers; and
- strengthening rules to prohibit the creation of Global Titles from numbers not allocated for use.
Ofcom is consulting on these proposals until 15 October 2024 and, if implemented, the bans would come into force on 1 January 2026.