Energy and energy transition

Royal Decree-Law 23/2020 on measures to promote renewable energies

Published on 26th June 2020

On the same day that the EU's environment ministers discussed the contribution of environmental and climate policies to economic recovery and recognised the value of the European Green Deal, the Spanish Council of Ministers approved Royal Decree-Law 23/2020 of 23 June, which approved measures in the field of energy and other areas for economic recovery. This RDL modifies and adds various provisions (Royal Decree 1955/2000, Law 24/2013 on the Electricity Sector and Law 21/2013 on Environmental Assessment, among others).

This is a highly expected regulatory text among the different stakeholders in the Spanish energy sector. The RDL anticipates the announced new regulation of access and connection to the grid, includes a new auction mechanism based on the "pay-as-bid" system, contemplates new business models (aggregated demand management, storage, hybridisation and citizen energy communities) and establishes measures to promote energy efficiency.

The RDL was published in the Official State Gazette on June 24, 2020 and came into force the following day (i.e., June 25, 2020). The measures set out above would ultimately seek to promote the development of businesses linked to renewable energies, given their importance in the process of economic recovery and growth. All this without forgetting the need to comply with the climate objectives assumed by Spain in the international, European and national spheres.

You can access the document summarising these measures through the following link:

Download >


* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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