The impact of the Covid-19 emergency on the Italian electricity market
Published on 6th April 2020

The Covid-19 crisis has led the Italian Government to the adoption of a series of urgent measures which, amongst other things, have introduced certain restrictions to the national manufacturing and industrial production. Only ‘essential” businesses have been allowed to operate during the lockdown (the lockdown is mainly governed by the Prime Minister's decree dated 22 March 2020 (“Decree”).
Most recently, as a result of a new decree adopted on 1 April 2020, the term of the Decree, which was originally due to lapse on 3 April 2020, has been extended until 13 April 2020.
The business activities that have not been suspended include the "supply of electricity, gas, steam and electricity" and, as a consequence, all businesses active in the energy supply chain.
You can download our brief report here: Covid-19 and the Italian energy market.pdf