International Business Immigration Newsletter | January 2017

Published on 12th January 2017

An increasing number of US businesses are taking on short- or long-term work assignments in Europe. Businesses routinely second skilled and professional workers into European jurisdictions. However, even if European rules provide for a certain number of rights in terms of mobility across Europe when sending your employees for business meetings or assignments to Europe, work authorizations and residency permits very much remain an issue for individual jurisdictions.

Our International Business Immigration Newsletter aims to help companies in all areas of EU business immigration, whether you are scouting a market, taking the initial steps to establish a trading presence or developing your business quickly, to remain compliant with all applicable laws.

Belgium | Permits, visas and social security: what arrangements do US companies need to make when sending US employees to Belgium for business purposes?

US companies wanting to send their ‘C’ level employees or managers to Belgium to set up or manage their subsidiary, or just to carry out business, will need to be able to send their employees back and forth between Belgium and the US for short-term assignments (for example, attendance at board or client meetings).

What are the most important things to consider from an immigration perspective when sending your employees on short-term assignments to Belgium?

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France | Exemption from work authorization requirements for short stays in France

For multinational businesses that rely on employees moving between locations on short-term assignments, having to obtain full authorization each time can be a real administrative burden. The French regulations have been modified and now provide for the exemption of work authorizations for short stays.

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Germany | Update on the EU Blue Card scheme: new threshold for Germany

The EU Blue Card is an important residence permit for highly qualified employees who would like to take up a job in an EU country (with the exception of the UK, Ireland or Denmark, where the Blue Card scheme does not apply). To be eligible for the EU Blue Card, the applicant has to have a university degree.

Furthermore, they have to be able to prove that the salary they will earn during their stay in the relevant country corresponds to a specific minimum amount and be abe to prove that their salary whilst in the relevant coountry will be above a minimum amount. That minimum is changing in Germany.

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Spain | Entrepreneurs Law increasing mobility of US employees to work in Spain

In 2013, a new law on immigration was passed in order to create a new legal migration regime aimed at boosting the Spanish economy, by attracting investment and talent, and by promoting entrepreneurship and the internationalization of companies. Since its inception, the newly streamlined application procedure and requirements have simplified the hiring and transfer of employees to Spain, while greatly favouring investment in Spain.

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UK | Immigration changes: what do businesses need to know

Following on from the Brexit vote in summer 2016, in November the UK government announced a number of significant changes to UK immigration rules – with a promise of further changes to be announced in April 2017.

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* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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