The Built Environment

Do you want your EPC information out there?

Published on 14th January 2015

Do you hold an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) in relation to a non-domestic building in England and Wales? Are you happy for information relating to your EPC being made publicly available? If not, now is your chance to act

In a letter dated 5 January, the Department for Communities and Local Government confirmed its intention to release records comprising data from Display Energy Certificates (DECs) and non-domestic EPCs belonging to commercial (non-domestic) buildings in England and Wales. Data will be released at address level, meaning anyone knowing the address of your property can find the data.

If you do not want this information relating to your business being made publically available, you may opt out of the public disclosure by visiting this website before Friday 16 January 2015. Holders of DECs do not have the option to opt out.


* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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