Employment and pensions

Brexit checklist & Dates for the diary - Business Immigration

Published on 9th December 2020

  • Be aware of deadlines that relate to Brexit, and make sure that UK or EEA nationals and their family members are able to demonstrate their right to work in the EEA or the UK
  • Screen your employees situation in the UK and in the EEA
  • Have your employees occupied in the UK or the EEA secure their rights by 31 June 2021 at the latest, and collect evidence to that purpose
  • Screen your clients to see whether their management requires mobility in the UK or intra-EEA mobility, and build the best team to support them
  • Review potential new hires in the coming months. For those who aren't beneficiaries under the Withdrawal Agreement, plan ahead for all required steps to obtain the necessary work permits and authorisation after 31 December 2020


DatesUK perspectiveEU perspective
OngoingApplications open for sponsor licences under the new immigration system 
1 December 2020Majority of new routes under the post-Brexit immigration system become law 
31 December 2020Remaining elements of the new rules become law (largely relating to EU nationals)End of the Transition Period under the Withdrawal Agreement
1 January 2021New immigration system opens, Brexit happens (at time of writing) and EU nationals subject to new Immigration RulesNew immigration system opens, Brexit happens (at time of writing) and UK nationals are subject to new Immigration Rules
January - March 2021Licenced sponsors to submit their annual allocation requests 
31 January 2021Hong Kong (British National Overseas) visa route officially opens 
30 June 2020EU national deadline for obtaining status under the EU Settlement SchemeEarliest UK national deadline for obtaining status under the Withdrawal Agreement



* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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