Retail and Consumer

Best legal reads of the week: February 23-27

Published on 27th Feb 2015

It’s that time again, when we share the reads of the week from around the web written by Osborne Clarke people.

Our top reads of the week:

The Consumer Rights Bill, which is currently in the final stages of its passage through Parliament, is intended to “bring together, improve and update consumer law.” Once passed, it will bring about considerable changes to consumer rights and remedies, which may prove to be costly and disruptive for suppliers generally and particularly those in the automotive industry where the resultant obligations may exceed those traditionally provided for in manufacturers’ warranties. Read the full overview of the bill here

It is a rare occasion that you will hear a developer praising their lawyers or a local planning authority for the speed at which their Section 106 was completed following a resolution to grant planning permission. More likely, the experience will be long and drawn out and not entirely painless. There are many reasons why Section 106 agreements take so long and we are often asked to deconstruct the process to avoid a repeat experience. Read the article in full here

Our Regulatory group has over 40 lawyers crossing borders, service lines and sectors. We advise businesses, regulators and individuals on the full range of issues which the regulatory environment generates. The UK regulatory timeline was produced to keep you up to date on the latest regulatory developments, explore each of the areas here; or download the full document here

More than fifty years ago, the Treaty of Rome enshrined the “four freedoms”: that goods, people, services and capital could move freely across the internal borders of what was then the European Economic Community and is now the EU. Of those freedoms, the one that has been the most difficult to put into practice has been the freedom of movement of capital. So, 57 years after its founding treaty, the EU last week launched an effort finally to create its “Capital Markets Union” (the CMU). Read the full article here

The European Commission has published a consultation paper on the operation of the Prospectus Directive (the Directive). The Directive is the legal framework regulating the requirement on issuers to publish a prospectus when making an offer of securities to the public or listing on a regulated market in the EU. Read more here

European policy makers feel crowded out by the rise of U.S. Internet companies and are proposing a plan to give themselves a larger role: write a new rule book for the web, read the full WSJ article here


* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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