Best legal reads of the week: February 16-20

Published on 20th Feb 2015

In this week’s edition of Osborne Clarke’s best reads, we have a diverse range of news and views from around the web written for you by Osborne Clarke people. 

Here are the must read posts of the week…

Overseas companies coming to the UK find an environment conducive to business, with a stable regulatory environment and business-friendly policies. However, as with every new market entry, it is important to get the right advice about how to establish a business in the UK, read the full update here

Last year the Ministry Of Justice consulted on proposals to reform court fees. The Government response (published in January) sets out how it is intended to proceed and includes proposals to dramatically increase court fees for money claims. The fee for issuing a money claim worth more than £10,000 will increase to 5% of the value of the claim to a maximum of £10,000. So, for a claim of £45,000 the fees will go from £610 to £2,250. Read more here

Osborne Clarke brought together a high profile panel on 11 February 2015 to discuss their predictions for mobile in 2015. Here is the first in the series of blogs looking at the findings and delving into what was discussed. 

The car maker will provide two prototype cars with vehicle-to-vehicle communication capability to help test a public transport system. Ford also intends to work alongside other manufacturers to study how driverless and connected cars can be integrated into everyday life, read more on our smart cities website here

for a new governance structure in the Local Government Pension Scheme
(LGPS) have been finalised and regulations published. Under the final
regulations no experience is necessary for members of the new local
authority pension fund boards, while local authorities will have wide
discretion in setting local pension board terms of reference. Read the full article here.  

So aside from our best reads of the week, we thought we would highlight that Osborne Clarke has some ‘seriously good biscuits’

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* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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