All Insights

Real estate

The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 to apply to existing rented residential properties

Landlords should be aware that all residential occupation contracts in Wales, whenever granted, will require written statement

Marketinglaw update | May 2023

Welcome to the latest edition of Marketinglaw.
Regulatory Outlook

Regulated procurement | UK Regulatory Outlook May 2023

Update on the Procurement Bill | Guidance on tackling modern slavery updated with revised selection questionnaire | Amending regulations published
Regulatory Outlook

Modern slavery | UK Regulatory Outlook May 2023

Guidance on tackling modern slavery updated with revised selection questionnaire | Update on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

Dispute resolution

Changes to the eviction process in Spain

The Housing Rights Law introduces far-reaching amendments to the eviction process
Regulatory Outlook

Environment | UK Regulatory Outlook May 2023

New guidance for developers on what can count towards a development’s biodiversity net gain | Selling BNG units as a
Regulatory Outlook

Employment and Immigration | UK Regulatory Outlook May 2023

Government announces reforms to working time, TUPE and non-compete provisions
Regulatory Outlook

Data Protection | UK Regulatory Outlook May 2023

EDPB publishes guide for small businesses | Italian Data Protection Authority un-bans ChatGPT | CJEU case on the right to
Financial Services

Fund managers in the Netherlands urged to up anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance

Dutch financial regulator sees progress in transaction monitoring and sanction compliance and training but wants more
Regulatory Outlook

Cyber Security | UK Regulatory Outlook May 2023

Advisory published on 'snake' malware | NCSC and ICO urge businesses to be more transparent about cyber attacks | UK