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Managing Covid-19

Investors visas and coronavirus: what you need to know

While stock markets around the world face turbulent times, and major currencies drop in value, it is important that anyone

Managing Covid-19

Soutenir les entreprises en France pendant la crise du Covid-19 : les nouveautés sur le régime de l'activité partielle

L'activité partielle temporaire est un régime spécifique existant en France pour soutenir les entreprises confrontées à un déclin d'activité /

Managing Covid-19

Innovating in times of crisis: insolvency-proof contracts under Dutch law

With a recession appearing to be inevitable, for many companies innovation is more important than ever. Innovating and contracting in

Managing Covid-19

Being Privacy Compliant During COVID-19

Originally published by our relationship firm BTG Legal, the legal adviser to Osborne Clarke’s clients in India, this PDF highlights

Managing Covid-19

Legal implications for the energy sector as a result of the COVID-19 state of alert in Spain

Since Spain has been in a state of alarm, the government has drawn up various packages of social and economic

Managing Covid-19

Dispute Resolution and COVID-19 | Resolving commercial disputes through remote mediation

Remote mediation will come into its own in the coming months as businesses grapple with disruption in the court system

Life Sciences and Healthcare

State aid | Part III – European Commission amends Temporary Framework to include aid for Life Sciences sector

Life sciences businesses working on Covid-19 related products may be able to benefit from government funding for a range of