All Insights

Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | Grid connections queue to be re-jigged

Welcome to our top picks of the latest energy regulatory and market developments in the UK's transition to net zero.
Intellectual property

The UK is developing its approach to deregulating gene editing in plants

The UK has pursued a post-Brexit deregulatory agenda via new legislation but has it failed to capitalise on the changes?
Employment and pensions

UK Employment Law Coffee Break: Fairness of dismissal for racist joke, umbrella companies compliance, and our latest pensions spotlight for HR

Welcome to our latest Coffee Break in which we look at the latest legal and practical developments impacting UK employers
Financial Services

UK FCA guidance leaves little creative freedom for financial promotions online

Firms need to comply with both financial and advertising regulators as scrutiny of social media intensifies
Artificial intelligence

What should employers in Belgium consider when using AI in the workplace?

Artificial intelligence has enormous potential from recruitment to termination, but the regulatory landscape is evolving fast
Financial Services

International Funds Legal Update | 19 April 2024

UK authorised funds rules amends and tokenisation progress, and EU marketing, disclosure and investment rules updates
Workforce Solutions

UK government makes announcement on tackling non-compliance in the 'umbrella' companies market

Guidance due later this year will support workers and businesses using umbrellas, including an online pay-checking tool
Managing greenwashing risk

Should Polish entrepreneurs be concerned about regulatory focus on greenwashing?

Regulatory attention on the making of misleading green claims is growing tighter, with new EU regulation imminent
Energy and Utilities

Smart Power | UK energy market strategy in 2025, repowering and ethical supply chains

Welcome to the latest edition of Smart Power, Osborne Clarke's specialist service for asset managers within the green energy sector.
Employment and pensions

UK Employee Incentives Update | April 2024

Developments in share plans including EMI notifications and employment-related securities annual returns
Dispute resolution

UK Litigation Brief | April 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of Osborne Clarke's Litigation Brief