Health and safety | UK Regulatory Outlook October 2024
Published on 30th October 2024
World Mental Health Day | Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill: next stages | Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (Amendment) Bill 2024-25

World Mental Health Day
On 10 October, it was World Mental Health Day. In light of this, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reminded employers of their legal duty to prevent work-related stress and support good mental health in the workplace by conducting risk assessments and implementing necessary measures.
The HSE has a number of resources to assist businesses including its Working Minds campaign and its risk assessment template. Businesses should ensure that mental health is managed properly within the workplace as well as influencing and promoting positive mental health outside of work.
Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill: next stages
The bill has received its second reading in the House of Commons and will now move to the Public Bills Committee. The first sitting of the Public Bill Committee is expected to be on Tuesday 29 October. Views on the bill are invited in a call for evidence.
The deadline for submitting responses is currently expected to be 19 November but may be earlier if the committee concludes its consideration of the bill before then.
Anyone with submissions to make to the Public Bill Committee about the current form of the bill, is strongly advised to submit written evidence as soon as possible.
If you missed our recent Eating Compliance for Breakfast webinar on the bill, you can see the slides and view the recording.
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (Amendment) Bill 2024-25
A private members' bill has been introduced in the House of Commons to amend the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 to place a requirement on employers to take proactive measures to prevent violence and harassment in the workplace; to make provision for protections for women and girls in the workplace; and to require the Health and Safety Executive to publish a Health and Safety Framework on violence and harassment in the workplace, including violence against women and girls in the workplace.
The first reading in the House of Commons was on 21 October, and the second reading is scheduled for 29 November 2024. Private members' bills rarely become law, but even if they do not, they can be politically influential on particular issues and affect legislation indirectly.