In-House Lawyer Talks 2023

Our annual programme of talks for in-house lawyers includes a mix of talks and panel sessions covering the latest developments in business law.
Digital Competition – latest developments in the UK and EU
Competition law in digital markets is developing rapidly, with new laws in the UK and EU and a raft of investigations and private actions against a range of large tech players. The session will cover the EU Digital Markets Act designations and next steps, the UK Digital Markets Unit – the latest developments and what's coming – and a case study on Apple App Store abuse.
Corporate internal investigations: the good, the bad and the ugly
When investigations might be required, options and the role of the in-house lawyer, including an overview of the investigation processes and issues to consider at the outset, legal professional privilege, dealing with senior management involvement, the report and presentation of outcomes, acting on findings and understanding the potential impact of ESG factors.
Demystifying guarantees and indemnities
How to spot them, differentiate between them and understand the provisions that make them. We will look at the differences between a guarantee and indemnity and the crucial clauses that make them work. We'll clarify some of the common terminology and talk through the issues to look out for when entering into a contract containing any form of guarantee or indemnity.
How to protect your contractual rights
When a potential contractual dispute is in the air, it is critical to ensure your rights are protected. We will look at how to effectively reserve your rights, including a refresher on terminating for delay, waiver and estoppel and variation.
The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023: what you need to know
The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act marks the most fundamental change to the purpose and role of the UK's corporate registry since its creation in 1844. It introduces a new corporate criminal offence of failure to prevent fraud as well as limits on the use of corporate directorships.
Employment law update
Our experts will focus on age-related issues in the workplace and positive action initiatives; HR data issues for employers; and an update on the progress of employment laws in the pipeline and what we anticipate is to come.
Generative AI: Harnessing its power and managing the risks
Since the wide adoption of powerful generative AI a year or so ago, the challenge for in-house lawyers has been two-fold: legal and compliance risks for the business need to be understood and managed, as does how the technology can be used within the legal team for speed and efficiency.