Managing liability and disputes in the international satellite sector
Osborne Clarke's telecoms group and defence and space group are hosting an online roundtable on the theme of managing liability and disputes in the international satellite sector.
This roundtable offers a unique opportunity to engage with a combination of satellite industry peers and Osborne Clarke experts in a focused and interactive setting.
The roundtable will be moderated by Grace Ang-Lygate, Senior Business Development Manager for the Osborne Clarke Technology, Media and Communications sector.
The discussion will take the form of a roundtable but in a virtual space, allowing a variety of perspectives to be shared. It will follow Chatham House Rule. We aim to encourage active participation and discussion.
Provisional Agenda:
Though the agenda is still flexible at this stage, we currently envisage the conversation covering some of the following points:
- Where is the liability risk sitting – is it contractual, or non-contractual? E.g. accidental/intentional interference, collisions/space debris
- Contractual risk vs real life risk – i.e. how much are the lawyers become concerned about a topic vs what are the disputes that arise in practice?
- How to manage conflicts in space – role of government/ITU, how to reach a resolution
- What is the role of the ITU and how effective are existing conflict resolution processes?
- How helpful is arbitration in practice at resolving international disputes in satellite sector?
How to resolve legal conflicts across borders
- What is the role of the ITU and how effective are existing conflict resolution processes?
- How helpful is arbitration in practice at resolving international disputes in satellite sector?
Chatham House Rule digital roundtable – everyone can play an active part and contribute to the discussion