Construction Hot Topics | What's on the agenda?

This webinar will cover various challenges and issues facing the construction industry today, including: 

The Building Safety Act | Jack Golpin

What you need to know about the Building Safety Act, including how it could impact your projects and contractual obligations.

Supply chain issues | Dan Cashmore

As all industries are tackling supply chain issues around the globe, the construction industry is no exception. We'll be discussing the impacts that pressured supply chains are having on the industry and discussing what can be done as a result, from resolving disputes through to building resilience.

Decarbonisation | Fiodhna Raleigh

With recent updates from COP 27, we will be taking a look at what the industry is doing to reduce carbon uptake, including updates to the FIDIC and NEC standard forms.

09:00 - 10:00 GMT

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