Successfully reshaping your business through merger or restructuring can be critical for future success.  Our team can help you shape your business to build the best team, retain your talent and create the most appropriate reward systems, all while meeting your legal and HR obligations. We deal with all the practical issues that arise with a restructuring, including internal communications, European works councils and national works councils, redundancies, pensions, TUPE transfers and boardroom issues.

We have extensive experience of advising on cross-border matters, where workforce issues span multiple jurisdictions. With offices in the largest European business centres, we are able to balance our legal advice with cultural considerations. Reshaping a workforce requires both skill and sensitivity. We bring those qualities together to help your business thrive.

We are experts in assisting our corporate colleagues across a full range of transactions, including M&A, private equity investments, IPOs and MBOs. We deal with hundreds of transactions, meaning that we have a high level of practical experience. That’s important as it means that we can help your newly-reorganised business start operating efficiently without missing a beat.

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