The Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR) is a new European regulation that introduces uniform rules for crypto-assets
The Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR) introduces uniform rules for crypto-assets across Europe.
Effective from 30 December 2024, MiCAR will bring significant regulatory changes. Stay ahead with our comprehensive resources, including practical guides, trackers, and expert insights. Our team is here to support you every step of the way.

MiCAR level 2 and 3 tracker
We created a tracker with expected and available EU level 2 and 3 measures under MiCAR.
- EU level 2
Level 2 measures further specify certain MiCAR aspects and take form of a Regulatory Technical Standard (RTS) or an Implementing Technical Standard (ITS).
- EU level 3
Level 3 measures are guidelines and Q&As of the European authorities to achieve consistent interpretation in Member States.
The tracker was last updated on 2 October 2024 and will undergo regular updates.

CASPs: are you MiCAR compliant?
If you are providing crypto-asset services under MiCAR, then you will in principle need to ensure compliance by 30 December 2024. Our guide includes "must-knows" for the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Poland.

Issuing crypto-assets under MiCAR?
If you answered yes: you will need to be MiCAR compliant by either 30 June 2024 or 30 December 2024 depending on the tokens you are issuing! Our guide includes "must-knows" for the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Poland.

How to obtain a crypto-asset service provider licence in The Netherlands?