The World Bank predicts that by 2050, the world's urban population will have more than doubled.
Today, 57% of people live in a city and this is expected to increase to 70% in the next 25 years. This growth means that the extent to which businesses understand and engage with the urban environment will continue to have a significant impact on their success.
The cities that we know and love have been formed over centuries. How we live and work in them is constantly evolving, as are the challenges and opportunities created by modern urban life. Succeeding in this rich environment is an ongoing conversation, which includes the impact of digitalisation and decarbonisation.
We've been advising clients on the legal aspects of urban dynamics for years and can help you operate at the forefront. Our lawyers will help you understand how the growing importance of cities and the related legal issues will affect your business in the short, medium and long term.
Together, we'll be ready for what's next.
What our clients are talking about

The latest research and thought leadership from our lawyers.
Decarbonising technologies for cities: case studies of Barcelona, Delhi and Par…
Sustainable disruption: 12 decarbonising technologies for cities
Providing for tomorrow today: understanding an ageing workforce
Data driven business models: the role of legal teams in delivery success
The legal issues of smart cities

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How we've helped clients

Decarbonising Bergamo - the Chorus Life project
We're advising Costim Group on the Chorus Life project which relates to the development of a smart city district in Bergamo.
We're supporting them with all regulatory issues in relation to the energy generating capabilities of the smart district, how energy will be handled across the district – and how that would be factored into the contracts
The urban development project uses cutting edge technology to maximise decarbonisation and efficiency in the city. Find out more about the development of this city of the future – and the legal and regulatory considerations of urban development projects.