Without careful management from the outset, merger control can wreak havoc with corporate transaction timetables. That’s where we come in, using our invaluable experience to identify upfront when issues are likely to arise and working with you to devise a notification strategy that best fits your commercial and operational needs. Our competition team advises on all aspects of EU and national merger control, providing specialist competition expertise right from the start and identifying any challenges along the way, to minimise potential threats and delays.

From carrying out initial market analysis to preparing competition authority submissions and dealing with the authorities, we’ll drive the notification process to maximise the prospect of clearance on the most favourable terms. We have also developed close relationships with specialist economists and, in appropriate cases, work seamlessly to develop your case through dedicated analysis and robust evidence.

Whether your deal needs clearance at a national level or before the European Commission, we have the expertise you need. In fact, if your deal triggers merger-control rules in multiple jurisdictions, our international team will coordinate the entire filing process on your behalf.

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