Dispute resolution

Commentary to judgement of the District Court Amsterdam regarding interpretation of guarantees

Gepubliceerd op 11th December 2019

Beroepsaansprakelijkheid accountant. Accountant ontdekt fraude niet, maar controle van jaarrekeningen van investeringsfondsen betreffende het bestaan van beleggingen is niette-min toereikend. Verwijzing naar CBb 29 januari 2013, ECLI:NL:CBB:2013:BZ4110 en HR 22 september 2017, «JOR» 2018/30, m.nt. De Haan.

Read the commentary of Paul Brouwer and Niels Dolk to a judgement of the District Court Amsterdam dated 28 August 2019 regarding the interpretation of guarantees in a share purchase agreement and calculation of damages. The commentary is published in Dutch in the legal journal Jurisprudentie Onderneming & Onderneming (number: JOR 2019/276).

Commentary to judgement of District Court Amsterdam dated 28 August 2019 (JOR 2019/276)


* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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