To celebrate International Women’s Day we wanted to shine a light on our female lawyers, so this year we are quite literally putting our women first.

On Thursday 8 March 2018, visitors to our website who search for a lawyer will see female lawyers first in the results – across any location, sector, service or position. A promotional filter has also been added to the website, where visitors can view all female Partners and lawyers who work at Osborne Clarke.

“Our female lawyers are a big part of who we are and the service we provide to our clients,” says Osborne Clarke’s International CEO Simon Beswick.

“Celebrating them on International Women’s Day felt right, but in reality it’s a small component of our commitment to diversity. Having a supportive and inclusive culture is a key focus for us and is part of what makes working for Osborne Clarke so unique. As a firm, we know that a diverse business means better collaboration, highly effective problem solving and even more innovative thinking. Ultimately that’s what our people and clients expect from us and it makes our business even stronger. We are working to ingrain diversity into everything we do and we are committed to investing and retaining the best female talent.” added Beswick.

We are also hosting a number of events across our 25 international offices to honor International Women’s Day.

If you would like to join our diverse, forward-thinking and innovative team then find out more about working for Osborne Clarke.

Corporate communications and press contacts

If you are a journalist and would like comment or background from our legal experts, we can help. Our team will put you in touch with the best person. View a full list of our international press contacts by jurisdiction here.