International legal practice Osborne Clarke’s UK Managing Partner, Ray Berg, has been recognised as a top 40 HERoes Advocate Executive by the Outstanding Hero Awards for 2019.

 Supported by Yahoo Finance, and set up by INvolve, a membership organisation that champions diversity and inclusion in business, the HERoes Women Role Model Lists highlight the business community achievements and celebrate male and female leaders who are committed to driving the female talent pipeline.

 Nominated for making a significant contribution to gender diversity and the promotion of women to senior business roles, Ray has undertaken a number of initiatives since he took undertook the role.

A trustee of the Social Mobility Business Partnership, Ray also sits on the steering committee of RollOnMonday a programme that works with St Mungo’s to break the cycle of homelessness. He is also involved in supporting Bristol’s SteppingUp Programme, which aims to encourage more people from BAME backgrounds into senior leadership roles across Bristol. And in the last year, under Ray’s leadership, the firm has launched female progression initiatives, networking groups for LGBT+ and BAME colleagues and is in the process of setting up a disability network.

"We value people from a diverse range of backgrounds. Gender is hugely important but so is social mobility, BAME, LGBT+ and disabilities.  We know people perform best when they are free to be themselves so it's great to be recognised for fostering an inclusive environment at Osborne Clarke,” said Ray.

In 2019, Ray was also announced as a Hero for Change by Management Today and  shortlisted for both the Inspirational Women in Law Awards for the Champion of the Year category and the Legal Business Awards for Managing Partner of the Year category.

In July 2019, Osborne Clarke received the National Equality Standard (NES) accreditation for equality, diversity and inclusion excellence, making it the seventh UK firm to achieve the certification. The independent assessment comprises 35 competencies, seven standards and supports companies with benchmarking their programmes. The key learnings will form a central part of the Firm's updated diversity and inclusion strategy, which will be launched in the autumn of 2019.

Osborne Clarke was awarded best Corporate Culture in 2019 by the Managing Partners Forum and has ranked in the top five of RollOnFriday’s independent Firm of the Year employee survey for the last three years, scoring highly for its friendly culture and management.

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