For the second year in a row Osborne Clarke reports a strong retention rate over 90%, with 22 out of 23 trainees staying on as newly qualified solicitors.

Osborne Clarke has been consistently praised for the experience it offers its trainees. It has been scored highly in trainee feedback surveys for the approachability of its partners, access to technology and the work/life balance it offers.

The trainees will be based across Osborne Clarke’s three UK offices in London, Bristol and Reading:

George Bristow, Property disputes
Alex Farrell-Thomas, Employment
Sam Furse, Restructuring and insolvency
Georgie Green, Commercial Disputes
Lucy Gillespie, Projects
Natalie Paddock, Incentives
Amelia Wigmore, FIG

Harry Chapman, Real Estate
Courtney Fowler, Corporate
Katy Godwin, Real estate
Ed Grey, Employment
Ben Pearlman, Corporate
Maxine Penny, FIG
Lucy Price, Commercial
TK Spiff, Commercial
Thomas Stables, Regulatory disputes
Brogan Stewart, Real estate
James Walsh, Construction disputes
Matthew White, IP disputes

Amy Moylett, Employment
James Robertson, Corporate
Jennifer Tur, Commercial

Ray Berg, UK Managing Partner, said: "Congratulations to our newly qualified solicitors. They have all worked exceptionally hard and I am thrilled so many have chosen to stay with us. We aim to keep as many of our trainees as possible and our high retention rates are a testament to the quality of our programme and the supportive and inclusive culture we offer at Osborne Clarke."

Catherine Wolfenden, Partner and Training Principal, said: "We have fine honed our training programme to make sure our trainees get the skills they need to equip them for their futures in the legal profession. We are able to provide dedicated partner support and mentoring, and we encourage our trainees to build relationships at all levels of the business.

"Covid has proved a challenge but we have successfully adapted our training programmes and we are looking forward to welcoming our new cohort in September."

Pictured from left to right: George Bristow, Harry Chapman, Alex Farrell-Thomas, Courtney Fowler, Sam Furse, Lucy Gillespie, Georgie Green, Katy Godwin, Ed Grey, Amy Moylett, Natalie Paddock, Ben Pearlman, Maxine Penny, Lucy Price, James Robertson, TK Spiff, Thomas Stables, Brogan Stewart, Jennifer Tur, James Walsh, Matthew White, Amelia Wigmore.

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