International legal practice Osborne Clarke has been reappointed to the successful Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) National Frameworks Legal Services Framework. Comprising 12 panel firms nationally, the firm is one of only six advisers appointed to provide the full range of specialist and expert legal advice to the LGPS across three lots in England and Wales.

Following a comprehensive competitive tendering process Osborne Clarke has again been appointed to the following three lots to provide a firm-wide full service including pensions, investment and financial services, and litigation advice:

  • Full Service (England and Wales)
  • Investment (UK-wide)
  • Benefit Administration, Employer Bodies and Governance (England and Wales)

Using the National LGPS Frameworks saves LGPS funds significant time and money by allowing quicker and more efficient procurement of high-quality and value for money services. It helps LGPS funds and Pools (and wider public sector schemes) swiftly and easily access a wide range of reliable, good value expert legal specialists and services.

Daragh McGinty, Legal Director and public sector pensions expert at Osborne Clarke, commented: “We've been advising LGPS funds and employers for the best part of two decades. We were appointed to the National LGPS  Legal Services Framework when it was established in 2015, and we are excited to be chosen to support it again. The LGPS is a long-standing and highly-valued client, and our framework reappointment recognises the depth of our specialist LGPS expertise and the technical level and quality of work we do including establishing the £27.5 billion Brunel investment pool for 10 local authorities in 2017."

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