Osborne Clarke has been named one of “Germany's Best Employers for Lawyers 2023/24” by Statista in cooperation with the F.A.Z. Institute.

For the second time, Statista, one of the world's largest statistics portals, in cooperation with the F.A.Z. Institute, has honoured 75 law firms as “Germany's Best Employers for Lawyers”. The ranking is based on several surveys of a total of 4,000 lawyers.

The links to the surveys were sent out by Statista and the F.A.Z. Institute via numerous mailings. The F.A.Z. Institute also called for participation in the survey via its publications (F.A.Z. Kiosk App, Einspruch) and newsletters. In addition, the link to the survey was distributed via the online communities of the Federal Association of Commercial Law Firms in Germany, IQB Career Services, Liquid legal institute, and respondents were recruited via high-quality online access panels. To complete the picture, Statista additionally researched satisfaction factors regarding employer quality online.


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