Osborne Clarke advised Antirion SGR S.p.A., an independent asset management company  for the closed-end reserved multi-compartment alternative real estate mutual fund “Fondo Immobiliare Antirion Global” – Comparto Core”,  in the context of a financing for an overall amount of  approx. Euro 179 million provided by BNP Paribas – Italian branch, acting as lender, agent and mandated lead arranger. BNP Paribas was advised by Legance – Avvocati Associati.

The loan was provided in order to finance the purchase of two real estate complexes in Rome for use as offices and accessory services.

Osborne Clarke's team advising Antirion SGR S.p.A., was led by partner Andrea Pinto, with legal director Antonio Fugaldi and trainee Roberto D’Andrea.

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