Osborne Clarke advised Conceria Pasubio SpA, leader in the production of high quality leather for the automotive sector, based in the province of Vicenza, in its purchase from the Garcia family of the controlling shareholding in GD (Mex) and GDI (USA), a US-Mexican group specialized in the cutting and upholstering of the wheels for the automotive segment.

The acquisition, particularly complex in its technical aspects given the various jurisdictions involved, saw the collaboration of a qualified team of lawyers coordinated by Pasubio's CFO, Mr Giuseppe Viola.

In particular, Conceria Pasubio's advisor was Osborne Clarke with a team composed of partners Alessandro Villa and Stefano Guerreschi, who coordinated the team of professionals and lawyers in the two jurisdictions, the Mexican firm of Quintana e Arouesty and the US firm Duane Morris.

The transaction also involved a team from Ernst & Young, and the notary Ernesto Velarde.


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