Osborne Clarke advised Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A in relation to the grant by CDP to UBI Banca of a Euro 500 million loan by way of the subscription of a senior unsecured bond to support new investments in enterprises operating in the 8 Regions of the South of Italy.

The loan falls within the ambit of a memorandum of understanding recently signed with UBI Banca S.p.A that signals the start of collaboration aimed at promoting joint initiatives to support Italian businesses.

The Osborne Clarke team was led by partner Andrea Pinto, head of Banking & Finance in Italy, with associate Francesca Princi and trainee Jacopo Fossati.

CDP's in-house team was composed of Antonio Tamburrano, Business & financing legal manager and Maurizio Iaciofano, Enterprise, infrastructure and financial institutions legal manager, as well as Roberto D’Andrea.

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