International legal practice Osborne Clarke has advised Founders Forum on the launch of a new joint venture with, and investment from, Informa Tech.

Now in its 15th year, Founders Forum continues to convene the world’s most inspiring entrepreneurs, investors, politicians, global leaders and academics at its events. Through its flagship Forums, accelerateHER events (promoting gender equality in tech) and Founders of the Future initiatives (supporting emerging entrepreneurial talent), attendees debate, share ideas and accelerate the positive impact of technology on society.

Founders Forum's joint venture partnership with Informa will continue to celebrate the strength and diversity of tech in the UK, and London as the epicentre of tech in Europe, by combining Informa Tech’s world class events infrastructure and heritage of running London Tech Week with the convening power of Founders Forum.

Through this new partnership, accelerateHER and Founders of the Future will become integral parts of London Tech Week, and will benefit from Informa Tech’s additional operational and logistical support as they expand globally. The partnership will also be looking to develop new sector specific Founders Forum events during London Tech Week and beyond.

The Osborne Clarke team was led by Partner Mathias Loertscher and included Senior Associate Jonny Murphy (corporate), Partner Tamara Quinn, Senior Associate Matthew Sharkey, Associate James Salisbury (intellectual property and commercial), Associate Lara Flynn (employment), Partner David Nisbet, Associate Director James Hamon and Senior Associate Luolan Dong (tax).

Osborne Clarke’s Corporate team is considered a go-to practice for many companies in the tech, media & comms sector, working with global businesses to fast-growth start-ups and market challengers. The team advises at every stage of company development across all corporate issues, from equity and debt fundraisings to M&A, IPOs and JVs.

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