Founded in 2002, Dot Net IT is an established business solutions provider specialising in Epicor Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Under the terms of the acquisition, Epicor acquires the entire issued share capital of Dot Net IT. The acquisition enables Epicor to further strengthen its sales, services and support team globally, as well as bringing cloud-based, add-on solutions that extend the company’s ERP portfolio.

The Osborne Clarke team who advised Epicor on the acquisition was led by Partner Andrew Saul, who was assisted by Associate Samantha Peacock (both Corporate) and Senior Associate Mark Braude (Tax). 

Andrew Saul, Partner at Osborne Clarke, said: “Epicor has been a client of Osborne Clarke’s for just over 20 years, and it’s been fantastic to accompany them on their journey as they continue to go from strength to strength.”

John Ireland, General Counsel/Sr. Vice President of Epicor Software Corporation commented: “It’s a real positive to have advisors who know our sector and who understand the expectations of US buyers in Europe; not only did Andrew, Samantha and the team at Osborne Clarke offer us high quality legal advice, they do it with a commercial and market know-how.”

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