Osborne Clarke advised BGF when it invested £2m in Intrapharm in 2014.

Prior to BGF’s investment, Intrapharm had revenues of £4m p.a., and it now expects to achieve sales of £12m for this financial year. BGF will fully exit its minority equity stake in the business, with all shareholders realising a strong return.

BGF is the UK’s most active provider of growth capital. The independent investment company comprises of five of the UK’s main banking groups which together make long-term equity investments in Britain’s growing SMEs.

Kevin James, CEO of Intrapharm commented “The team at Osborne Clarke were extremely proactive in advising on what was a fairly complex deal. They provided great support and guidance all through the process and completed in a timely manner. In addition, their knowledge of the sector was also very helpful.”

The Osborne Clarke team that advised on the transaction was led by Corporate Associate Director Jeff Chang, who was assisted by Corporate Associates Katherine Cunningham and Katie Carter, Incentives Partner Karen Cooper and Tax Senior Associate Mark Braude.

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