Taxonomy3® is Adorial’s key genetic technology which was originally co-developed with academic experts from the universities of Oxford and Lille, with funding support from Innovate UK. Taxonomy3® is a revolutionary and highly sensitive mathematical tool that has the potential to increase the probability of small molecule drug-development success. Adorial has used Taxonomy3® in partnership with several of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, including Takeda and UCB Pharma, and has identified multiple new targets in rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease and ophthalmology.

By performing highly sensitive in silico mining and analysis of publicly available DNA databases, Taxonomy3® is able to identify previously unknown linkages and interactions between genes and biological pathways in a broad range of diseases. This enables the discovery of targets that cause disease, rather than those that are simply associated with its symptoms, thereby providing the best starting point for drug discovery, biomarker identification and patient stratification, and ultimately improving the chances of clinical success.

C4X, an AIM-listed company, is buying the entire issued share capital. Dr Alun McCarthy and Dr Olivier Delrieu, the founders of Adorial, will join the Company and have agreed not to dispose of the Consideration Shares for at least 12 months following Admission. The value of the deal is £1.7million.

The team at Osborne Clarke who advised Adorial was led by Partner, Janita Good, assisted by Associate Samantha Peacock. Adorial was previously incorporated by Osborne Clarke in December 2014.

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