Osborne Clarke advised Casino Group and its subsidiary RelevanC on the digital component of its partnership with Intermarché announced on 15 April 2021
Published on 26th April 2021

This is another illustration of the firm's expertise on the digitalization of the retail sector.
Osborne Clarke advised Groupe Casino and its subsidiary RelevanC on the IP/Data aspects of its negotiations with the Intermarché group for the creation of a purchasing partnership, in France and internationally, and a digital partnership.
On the digital side, Intermarché and Casino Group have created a joint company marketing a Retail Media offering in France for food brands and their agencies. This dedicated structure will enable them to activate an unprecedented volume of transactional data on the two groups' digital media by relying on the technologies developed by RelevanC, a subsidiary of Casino Group which develops targeting solutions and services enabling brands to take advantage of the potential of their data. By offering these services, Intermarché and Casino Group intend to respond jointly to the predominance of global players operating in France in this sector.
Osborne Clarke's team, led by Béatrice Delmas-Linel, partner specializing in digital law and recurring counsel to Casino, with Grégoire Dumas, senior counsel and Claire Bouchenard, partner in intellectual property, advertising and marketing, worked hand in hand with Jean-Yves Haagen, Group General Counsel of Groupe Casino, and Esther Bitton, Director of Merchandise and Competition Law, as well as the group's corporate and competition law counsel (listed below).
On the corporate and competition law aspects, Groupe Casino was advised by Peltier Juvigny Marpeau & Associés with a team composed of Benoit Marpeau, François Dietrich (partners) and Sonia Sassi on corporate matters and Thibault Reymond (partner) and Anne Faber on competition matters. Bredin Prat also advised on competition law with Igor Simic (partner), Yoann Boubacir and Solène Hamon.
Intermarché was advised by Jean-Claude Coulon et Associés with Kadir Mebarek (partner) and Dorian Mahe and by Linklaters, with Anne Wachsmann (partner), Nicolas Zacharie (counsel) and Violette Grac-Aubert for the competition aspects, Thomas Pontacq (counsel) in corporate, Sonia Cissé (counsel) and Jean-François Merdrignac for the IP, IT and Data aspects.