Rüdiger Bonnmann, partner and real estate expert at international law firm Osborne Clarke, is one of the publishers of the book; as well as contributions from further experts at Osborne Clarke. It’s a valuable read – not only for landlords but for all business people and companies. It covers all relevant subject areas of the law on the lease of business premises – from the preparation and initiation of contractual relationships to negotiation and communication strategies. It also covers the conclusion of contracts to faults in contractual relationships during the leasing period, all the way up to the processing of a terminated tenancy. References regarding technical requirements or other legal areas are presented vividly.

Rüdiger explains that the hand book helps to keep pace with the developments in tenancy law: “The book is structured in a way which makes it easy for the reader to find solutions. Not only does it contain checklists and standard clauses but also deals with negotiation strategies”. Rüdiger, who specialises in tenancy, residential property and administrative law, has been advising commercial landlords and tenants on strategic issues as well as the operative day-to-day business for many years. In Germany, Osborne Clarke’s team of around 20 lawyers in Germany and over 50 lawyers abroad advise clients in the real estate sector, from the planning to the sale.

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