The gaming industry is the largest growth market of the entertainment industry. In Germany alone, more than EUR 3 billion of turnover is generated by video games and this figure is expected to rise in the future. The industry is subject to strict regulations. Controversial topics in the industry include promotion of games, the effects of AI on the gaming industry and the importance of the gaming industry as a driving force and innovation driver for all areas of society.

Leading experts and practitioners of interactive entertainment law from all over Europe will discuss the challenges and potential of the gaming industry at the 4th European Summit of the Video Game Bar Association (VGBA). The conference on 22th August is regarded as a think tank for digitalisation and is part of the gamescom, Europe’s largest industry trade show. The summit is organised by international legal practice Osborne Clarke and game, the Association of German games industry. The VGBA summit is part of the gamescom congress.

Osborne Clarke Partner Konstantin Ewald is a leading interactive entertainment lawyer in Germany and VGBA chairman and chairman of the conference: “The legal summit covers a wide range of topics and has already become an integral part of the program. The summit highlights the potential of gaming technology to go well beyond the gaming industry", he comments.

Christian-Henner Hentsch, Head of Legal Recht & Regulatory at game – the Association of German games industry:

"Attended by legal experts from around the world, the VGBA Euro Summit has established itself as an internationally significant event and an inherant part of the gaming calendar."

One focal point of the conference is the EU initiative on the Digital Single Market (DSM) with a view to the Digital Content and Copyright Directives. Other considerations are legal issues regarding eSports, experiences with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implementation process as well as new challenges for the gaming industry.

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