International legal practice Osborne Clarke announces the arrival of Giorgio Lezzi as a partner in the firm’s Milan office, taking on the role of Head of Infrastructure services  in Italy.

A specialist in local public entity law, Giorgio Lezzi has consolidated experience in public works, supply and services contracts. With 17+ years' experience, he has advised public entities and publically owned companies providing local public services in the preparation of tender procedure documentation (as well as in project finance and other forms of public private partnerships), and supporting operators in their presentation of offers in the ambit of procedures relating to the grant of public works contracts and concession.

With broad sector experience across energy and utilities team, Giorgio also defends contracting entities and subjects participating in public procedures before the administrative courts and, with reference to disputes arising from the reserves applied by parties performing public contracts, in the relevant litigation brought before the ordinary courts.

He joins from Lipani Catricalà & Partners where he was a partner since 2015. He previously worked with Studio SZA in Milan.

Riccardo Roversi, managing partner of Osborne Clarke in Italy commented: “In Italy the utilities sector is extremely dynamic and with the addition of Giorgio to our existing energy and utilities team led by Giovanni Penzo, we will be able to significantly increase the expertise we can offer to clients.  With the Winter Olympics 2026, which has just been awarded to Milan and Cortina, we expect will see a huge amount demand for public contracts.  With Giorgio's arrival, we think that we have all the skills to support the main players in this great event.”

Lezzi will also shortly be joined by associate Federica Fischetti. Federica has gained experience in Studio SZA, advising on contentious and non-contentious matters of administrative law, with a focus on public works contracts and concessions and local public services. Prior to that she also worked for other leading firms operating in the public law sector.

Osborne Clarke has an established and well-respected position as one of the leading international law firms advising energy and utilities sector clients. For over 20 years, it has helped clients to seize new opportunities and meet the challenges of making energy generation clean, affordable and secure. The combination of the team’s experience and understanding of the energy sector means they are regularly called upon to support businesses on all aspects of their commercial, regulatory, corporate, finance and construction legal needs.

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