Osborne Clarke Italy has established the charitable organisation ‪#‎findtheorange‬ Onlus, to support Italian and foreign students in need, with particular talent, interested in the study of audio-visual and digital disciplines – photography, direction, digital music and everything that fuses art and technology. Through the Onlus Osborne Clarke will organise the forthcoming editions of the photography competition #‎findtheorange and a host of other collateral events. 

Riccardo Roversi, managing partner of Osborne Clarke Italy said: “We are pleased to announce this new initiative that lies perfectly alongside Osborne Clarke’s tech, media and comms vocation. ‪#‎findtheorange‬ was born as a result of the photography competition that we organised during the summer of 2015 as an easy-going holiday pastime for the firm’s family & friends, that involved the creation of a dedicated Facebook group and the launch on Instagram of the hashtags #findtheorange and #trovalarancione. The competition’s success went way beyond our every expectation and so we decided to run it again next year and to enrich its scope with new collateral activities over the coming months. This is why Osborne Clarke decided to set up a dedicated charity that in the coming months will launch, along with partners in the sector, specific to help in the study of the audio-visual and digital industries”. 

Approximately 1.200 people are members of the Facebook group #findtheorange and almost photographs were posted over the summer. The first edition of the photography competition had 391 competing images: the best 20 will be auctioned during a charity evening to be held in Brescia on 2 December 2015 and the funds will further the charity’s aims. The website www.findtheorange.it is also now online. 

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